The Importance of Photography in Forensic Investigations

Investigating crime scenes wouldn’t be possible without the photographs that accompany them. They are the simplest and most effective way to capture the crime scene, and they paint a picture of what could’ve happened in a way that even the most descriptive and elaborate words cannot. They are useful for providing key pieces of information, along with exact specifications, from the scene of a crime.

Telling the Story Behind the Evidence

Physical evidence as shown in photographs will show the result of the crime as it happened, making both an integral part of the judicial process. Using the appropriate evidence tracking solutions available today to gather and manage all the evidence collected at each site can be absolutely game-changing, particularly when it is accompanied with photographs. Here’s why photographs are important for forensic investigations:

1. Showing Location and Essential Details

Photography is often used to determine an object’s position and location relative to others. They often help reveal details of the crime scene that cannot initially be explained. Conclusions are more easily drawn when sufficient proof is provided in images, such as showing the appearance of wounds, the results of arson, handwriting, etc.

2. Seeing More than the Naked Eye

Forensic photography may reveal marks on the face that may not be noticeable to the naked eye. Thanks to zoom technology and high-definition lenses on cameras, investigators may uncover evidence leading to old injuries that are relevant to the case. Color photography and black and white photography may be used depending on what investigators wish to identify in the images. Photographs will also allow lab personnel to identify which areas should be swabbed for any microscopic samples. Together with the data gathered by the forensic photographer, this will be logged in a police evidence management system so everything can be easily located when needed.

Lighting techniques and forensic photography also go hand in hand. Police will often look for fingerprints that can only be revealed through UV and IR lights. Photographs of these fingerprints can be enlarged and focused on thanks to photography rather than relying solely on lifting prints. By doing this, one can reduce the chances of forgery.

3. Assisting in the Accurate Collection of Physical Evidence

Authorities embraced the value of photography in forensic investigations soon after its discovery. Today, they use photography to ensure the sufficient collection of evidence for every case. Crime scene investigations usually begin with making rounds in every room to take as many photographs of the corpus delicti as needed then selecting a few to keep on file. High-end DSLRs allow the user to take hundreds of high-definition photographs and select the most relevant shots later on. Interior photographs focus on the room’s conditions, including all the articles left behind, such as pieces of paper, shoe prints, blood-stained surfaces and samples, moved furniture that indicates activity before the crime, and stopped clocks. The rule of thumb for photographers to follow is to photograph articles apparently in use immediately prior to the crime or items appearing to have been disturbed before the incident. This helps investigators determine which pieces of evidence need to be collected.

Pairing Physical Evidence with Its Photographs

Photographs are a simple but powerful tool in forensic investigations. They allow officers and other investigators to see things in the crime scene that might not have been obvious from mere observation. When photographs accompany pieces of physical evidence in a courtroom, their genuineness and integrity are irrefutable. That’s why it’s essential to have evidence tracking software that not only allows you to track evidence, but to upload photographs to the individual evidence logs.

PMI Evidence Tracker™ is a complete evidence tracking system, including software, barcode scanner, and labels. Our powerful software offers the ability to upload photos, documents, and even short videos to each piece of evidence. We offer law enforcement agencies the most flexible, affordable, and user-friendly system! Choose between basic, standard, max, and supermax software packages to meet your needs. Contact us today!